Comparative study concerning the role of surface morphological features in the induction of part-of-speech categories Daniel Devatman Hromada12 1 Université Paris 8, Laboratoire Cognition Humaine et Artificielle, 2, rue de la Liberté 93526, St Denis Cedex 02, France 2 Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Department of Robotics and Cybernetics, Ilkovičova 3, 812 19 Bratislava, Slovakia Abstract. Being based on English language, existing systems of partof-speech induction prioritize the contextual and distributional features “external” to the word and attribute somewhat secondary importance to features derived from word’s “internal” morphologic and orthotactic regularities. Here we present some preliminary empirical results supporting the statement that simple “internal” features derived from frequencies of occurrences of character n-grams can substantially increase the V-measure of POS categories obtained by repeated bisection k-way clustering of tokens contained in Multext-East corpora. Obtained data indicate that information contained in suffix features can furnish c(l)ues strong enough to outperform some much more complex probabilist or HMM-based POS induction models , and that this can especially be the case for Western Slavic languages. Keywords: part-of-speech induction, development of morphology, clustering, surface features, suffix 1 Introduction Part-of-speech (POS) induction is a constructivist process aiming to converge to the mechanism able to attribute the POS category (e.g. “verb”, “noun”, “adjective” etc. ) membership information to any word of the language under study. Because “syntactic category information is part of the basic knowledge about language that children must learn before they can acquire more complicated structures” [15] POS induction (POS-i) is often considered to be the first step in a more complex process of grammar induction and language acquisition in general. Given such an important place of POS-i in NLP studies, it is of no surprise that while first computational models of POS-i were proposed decades ago [3][6][15] the problem of unsupervised POS-label attribution still attracts attention of many computational linguists. Thus, dozens of POS-i systems exist, among which those based on class-based word n-grams [5], graph clustering [2] 2 Daniel Devatman Hromada or diverse extensions to Hidden Markov Models [9][8][1] are compared in the [4] comparative study which suggests that “some of the oldest (and simplest) systems stand up surprisingly well against more recent approaches”. Aims of this article are 1) to elucidate a superior peformance of Clark [5] and Berg-Kirkpatrick [1] models with the statement: “Their models perform better because they use better features” 2) to precise that for many languages, such features can be morphological ones. We precise that what shall be called “morphological feature” (MF) in the rest of this article is any feature “internal” to the word WITHIN which it occurs and as such can be opposed to contextual or distributional features “external” to the word under study (i.e. opposed to features which describe word’s relation to other words and not its internal composition). By focusing upon the role of such “orthotactic” MFs in diverse languages represented in the Multext-East corpus [7] we shall try to persuade the reader that while the “syntax-in-word-order paradigm” could (and did) yield useful models and tools for description of English language, the uncritical acceptation of such paradigm could turn to be somewhat contra-productive if one tends to develop POS-i models for highly flectional & morphology-rich languages. 2 Corpus All analyses were effectuated with texts contained in the 4th version of MultextEast corpus [7] . Bulgarian (bg), Czech (cs), English (en), Estonian (et), Farsi (fa), Hungarian (hu), Polish (pl), Romanian (ro), Serbian (sr), Slovak (sk) and Slovene (sl) transcription of Orwell’s 1984 were analysed. Quantitative descriptions of different corpora are present in the table 1. Corpus Types Tokens TagsPOS bg 17305 117238 13 cs 22341 100368 13 en 11160 134832 12 et 18911 111305 12 fa 13009 124823 12 hu 20642 132196 13 pl 24019 115185 14 ro 16220 135055 15 sk 23015 103452 13 sl 20597 112278 13 sr 21540 126611 13 3 Method Every word from the corpus was described by a vector of features whose values were obtained by application of feature filters described below. Vectors were subsequently clustered into groups. TSD 2014 3.1 3 Feature extraction All tokens, punctuation marks included, were extracted as such from the corpus. Word characters were transcribed into lower case. In order to mark the word boundaries, ˆ and $ characters were prefixed, respectively suffixed, to extracted tokens. Following features were then extracted from tokens: Length [L] – yields only one feature whose value equals the character length of the token, i.e. 6 for word “ˆgood$”. Baseline. Character n-grams of length X [Nx ] – every feature encodes the number of occurrences of the character n-gram of length L within the token. Thus, if X=1, the word “ˆ good$” can be encoded by vector of features [1, 1, 2, 1, 1] whose second element denotes the number of “g” present in the word, third feature the number of “o” etc. If X=2, the vector could be [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], its first element representing the frequency of occurrence of “ˆ g” character bigram, second of “go” bigram, third of “oo” bigram etc. Character fragments whose length 0.6 limit), we consider the Vmeasure to be very valuable quantitative measure of performance of clustering POS-i algorithms. c=1− L N1 N2 N3 N4 F2 F3 F4 A P2 P3 S2 S3 C2 bg 4.3 5.6 13.1 17.0 11.9 8.5 14.4 14.7 14.6 6.7 5.0 18.9 16.5 3.8 cs 5.4 9.2 25.2 20.7 11.6 23.1 24.8 23.9 24.3 7.4 7.1 25.2 18.7 4.7 en 3.8 6.5 14.1 15.3 9.4 10.4 14.9 16.1 14.7 3.9 3.6 20.5 19.7 2.4 et 4.2 4.0 12.2 14.2 11.9 5.8 6.92 9.38 7.24 4.2 6.0 14.2 16.1 3.6 fa 2.6 6.8 15.4 15.52 12.2 12.0 15.51 15.3 15.55 11.7 14.5 14.4 12.0 6.4 hu 2.3 4.3 6.1 10.7 9.4 5.2 6.26 6.58 5.65 5.4 5.7 17.1 14.2 3.0 pl 4.7 8.0 21.1 20.1 13.7 18.5 20.3 19.7 15.6 5.3 6.5 25.1 22.7 4.0 ro 4.6 7.1 11.1 13.6 9.5 8.23 11.3 11.8 10.9 6.5 5.9 15.8 14.8 3.1 sr 5.2 5.5 13.3 14.8 10.5 5.67 8.06 8.82 5.95 6.1 6.4 19.1 16.5 4.6 sk 5.9 11.2 26.9 21.0 14.0 23.8 24.9 24.2 22.5 8.2 5.8 27.5 21.3 4.8 sl 4.5 4.8 12.2 17.1 12.8 7.39 8.42 14.3 7.5 6.8 6.0 21.6 19.3 5.2 C3 2.3 3.1 1.7 2.8 4.6 1.8 3.0 1.9 3.0 3.5 2.4 R2 3.4 3.7 2.9 3.4 2.8 2.4 3.3 2.5 4.7 3.6 3.3 Table 1: V-measures obtained after clustering different corpus according to different features. The most performant feature of every corpus is marked. R3 3.0 3.4 2.2 3.3 3.2 2.0 2.9 2.4 3.5 3.5 3.4 O1 12.5 7.9 14.4 6.77 14.3 7.1 7.9 15.6 9.4 8.7 9.1 TSD 2014 5 Table above shows V-measure*100 values obtained by clustering of words characterized by length (L), character n-gram fragments of fixed (N2 , N3 , N4 ) length or n-gram fragments shorter than certain length (F2 , F3 , F4 ) as well as of clusters created by considering all fragments (A). The best results (i.e. highest V-measures) were observed in case of Western Slavic languages which have all attained >0.2 of V-measure performance when clustered according to features representing character bigram occurrences. Southern Slavic languages along with Romanian, Hungarian and Estonian performed the best when character trigrams were taken into account. English attained the 0.16 performance when all bigrammata, trigrammata and tetragrammata were taken into account while Farsi was clustered the best when all n-gram character fragments were taken into account. Further results presented in the table below point in the same direction. Highest V-measure score was attained by Slovak, Czech and Polish when simple extractor of suffix features of length 2 was applied. In fact the same extractor yielded highest scores in case of all languages with exception of Estonian where somewhat longer suffixes tend to facilitate the POS-i, and in case of Farsi whereby prefixal features seem to be at least as important as suffixal features. Word circumference features C2 and C3 as well their “negation”, the word root features R2 and R3 do not seem to bring any information relevant to the categorization process – in fact they seem to perform even worse than the baseline feature L. Members of set of “external” distributional features (O1 ), which represent the trivial frequency of occurrence of the feature-word to the left or right from the target word, performed worse in all cases, English included, than S2 . 5 Discussion POS-i system comparative study of [4] indicates that POS-i models involving morphological features perform better than models which do not. However both in Clark’s [5] probabilist model as well as in morphology-enriched HMM-derived [1] model, morphological features seem to play rather a role of a performanceincreasing “cherry added to the top of the cake” than that of model’s cornerstone. Results presented in this paper suggest that focusing upon the phenomena occurring within the token, if the token’s transcription allows it3 , seem to yield quite strong c(l)ues for subsequent clustering of tokens into their respective syntactic categories. It may be the case that especially the character bigrams occuring at word’s offset position – suffixes – seem to play an important role in word→ POS category attribution. It is also worth noting that suffixes augment the performance of POS-i not only for Indo-European languages but also for Uralic languages like Estonian or Hungarian. 3 For example, an “internal” feature-oriented approach would hardly yield any interesting results if applied on Chinese logograms but could be of certain theoretic interest when applied upon pinyin transcription. 6 Daniel Devatman Hromada It is also worth reiterating that POS-i within Western Slavic languages tends to be much more sensitive to character N-gram and suffix-derived features than other languages compared in this study. Because the research presented hereby was based only on one particular litteral corpus (Orwell’s 1984) and the results obtained may thus represent not the properties of languages as such, but rather a certain translation style, it would be somewhat hors propos to postulate that a kind of overall statistic property - labeled hereby as “word offset flectivity” - is more marked in Western Slavic languages than, for example, in Southern Slavic or Uralic languages. But given the fact that it was only Slovak, Czech and Polish whose V>0.25 when clustered according to outputs of S2 feature-extracting prism, we believe that subsequent analyses involving more corpora and more languages may be worth the effort. Verily only more exhaustive comparative studies could assess the impact of morphology of word X upon the attribution of syntactic function to the very word X. And since syntax is often bound with semantics – for example by means of thematic relations – such studies, if ever they would verify and not falsify the results presented hereby, could possibly result in a partial revision of a canonical “signifiant is independent from signifié” paradigm [14]. To emit such a call was, however, not a motivation behind the redaction of this paper. Nor had we aimed to outperform existing distributional&probabilist models – for it may seem quite unprobable that one would outperform the “heavy Markovian artillery” with such a simple computational machinery as k-way clustering. Thus, it has been of certain surprise to us that the comparison of data presented on Figure 4 in [4] with our results indicated that for some Slavic corpora, our simplistic morphology-driven geometrically-clustered model has attained higher or more or less equal V-mesure scores than models presented in [11][9]. Our approach can also dispose of certain advantages when it comes to computational complexity – while some models like that of [2] have sometimes problems to converge to result in reasonable time, none of our 198 analyses whose results are presented above have lasted more than few seconds on an average desktop computer. This being said, we believe that it may be the case that POS-i induction of systems of next generation could not only take into account but shall rather be based on word’s “internal” morpho(phono)logical or even prosodic and metric features. While sufficient evidence exists for stating that in order to have a highly performant and robust POS-i model, one MUST take into account the distributional and contextual information “external” to the word under question, we believe that especially in case of highly flectional languages, the complexity of the whole POS-i clustering proccess could be significantly reduced if ever the process shall be “seeded” (i.e. initiated) with token’s “internal” features. Since the performance-augmenting and complexity-reducing effects of such seeding are the principal topic of our ongoing work, we conclude that what we believe to be the ultimate advantage of such a model could be its “cognitive plausibility” [10]. At last but not least, by underlining the importance of suffixal features for POS-induction process, our results may well point in the same direction as hy- TSD 2014 7 pothesis that ”one of the first operating principles employed in the ontogenesis of grammar [is that] grammatical realizations in the form of suffixes or postpositions will be acquired earlier than realizations in the form of prefixes or prepositions”[16]. Thus, without an intention to do so4 we ultimately find the results of our purely empiric study to be consistent with more general psycholinguistic theories of grammar induction and language development. References 1. Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor, Alexandre Bouchard-Côté, John DeNero, et Dan Klein. 2010. Painless unsupervised learning with features. P. 582–590 in Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 2. Biemann, Chris. 2006. 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