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Tutorial 0 :: Speech recognition on the edge :: From Empowerment to voice-shell halt in less than 10 steps
During this tutorial, participants will be introduced to diverse ways how speech-to-text (STT) inferences can be realized on non-cloud, local (i.e. edge-computing) architectures. Participants will acquire knowledge and competence concerning intricacies and nuances of execution of two different types of ASR systems (DeepSpeech and Random Forests) on three different hardware architectures (e.g. RaspberryPiZero (armv6); RaspberryPi 4 (armv7 without CUDA) and NVIDIA Jetson Xavier (armv8 / aarch64 with CUDA). Thus, in 90 minutes of a hands-on tutorial participants will acquire practical know-how about how to transform all three hardware platforms into a low-cost local STT inference engine.
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