
honor to be invited to "the castle Time"

observing cryptocurrency scene from cca 2010 / AE40

kyberia played an important role in adoption of crypto in Central-European space (c.f. juraj's forum https://kyberia.sk/id/5734320 founded in 2.1.2011)

in love with secp256k1, ed25519 and other juicy curves

dissatisfaction with direction in which crypto- scene is evolving

inceptor of slovak digital community kyberia.sk

assisted Pavol & Juraj in creation of 1st Slovak hackerspace progresssbar.sk

since 2018 Juniorprofessor of Digital Education at Berlin University of the Arts / Einstein Center Digital Future

[Impressum, Datenschutz, Login] Other subprojects of wizzion.com linkring: giver.eu naadam.info kyberia.de puerto.life refused.science gardens.digital baumhaus.digital teacher.solar fibel.digital udk.ai