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baumhaus.digital/Miscellanous/Presentations/AE53/Applying the NALANA method to 0th Archaeo-riddle/GPT4 Code interpreter/Once upon a time ...
Another prompt: "Answer the archeoriddle "Did F replace HG violently" with a funny narrative which stays nonetheless faithful to the empiric data. Use expressions like "poppy chewers" or "poppies" when speaking about F, and "rabbit skinners" or "skinnies" when speaking about HG. Continent to south where Farwallow is located is called Africa, eastern region where Bannet is located is Orient , continent to the north is Youresia, sea in the middle - around the island with Rabbithole - is called Middlesea. Story describing the poppychewer invasion should start with expression "Once upon a time" and make it clear whether the invasion was peaceful or violent."
1 Axones
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