πbaumhaus.digital/Miscellanous/Presentations/AE53/Applying the NALANA method to 0th Archaeo-riddle (is_parent) weight 1β
baumhaus.digital/Miscellanous/Presentations/AE53/Applying the NALANA method to 0th Archaeo-riddle/GPT4 Code interpreter
Uploaded the CSV files and started the conversation with the prompt:
"The CSV file contains five columns which will allow us to correctly solve the riddle in computational archaelogy. The first column is name of the archeological site, is kind of arbitrary but will allow us to provide the narrative which will be the solution to the riddle. Second column encodes the longitude data, third column contains the lattitude information. It is the fourth column which is crucial: it contains radiocarbon dates (BP=before present) sampled by the archeologist at the site. Note that one site can refer to multiple samples associated to different times (different samples are separated by the pipe symbol separator "|" in the fourth csv column). Finally, the fifth column contains information whether the site was the farmer (F) or hunter-gatherer (HG) site. Execute reasoning based on the data provide and try to answer the question: were farmers and hunter-gatherers in conflict, or did the F culture assimilate the HG peacefully ?"
2 Axones
this knot is_parent πbaumhaus.digital/Miscellanous/Presentations/AE53/Applying the NALANA method to 0th Archaeo-riddle/GPT4 Code interpreter/It seems we have an oracle
(ID: 919 :: weight 1)
this knot is_parent πbaumhaus.digital/Miscellanous/Presentations/AE53/Applying the NALANA method to 0th Archaeo-riddle/GPT4 Code interpreter/Once upon a time ...
(ID: 920 :: weight 1)